Sunday, December 13, 2009


Luckily, this image was taken right off the side of the road although I had to go in to shoot it. The interior didn't interest me at all, in fact, it looked pretty bad, but this fixture stood out. Seemed out of place. I moved quickly, before anyone could tell me to stop, and found a good angle with a background that wouldn't wreck the shot. People did watch but nobody seemed to care. I guess they thought I was a tourist and figured, "whatever" and let me do my thing. I took a couple of images and was happy with this.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Late Autumn

Just a week or two earlier and this view wouldn't be possible. The corn would have been in the way. I remember trying to make an image of this place before and this angle never seemed right although it interested me. I guess removing the corn made it. Now I see more layers rather than the tall corn waiting to be chopped. This field was pretty clean of corn. I hope a little was left for the deer in late winter.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Rotting Trucks

The front end of these trucks were covered pretty good and the home of the owners within view so that ruled out a frontal shot. I had to try to do something. I got low and included the leaves and this helped rid some of the sky. It makes me think how soon these trucks will be part of the ground, rather than the landscape. No more potatoes for theses guys.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Weathered Trees

I know these trees have taken a beating over the years. Luckily they're in a tree friendly neighborhood. I looked at these, and others around, and most had good full limbs of leaves. They were my original target, but I kept turning around and thinking of the ugly flower shot. I then decided to go to work here. They look skeletal, naked, and cold. If I were a bird, I'd be happy to live in the hole in the upper right, until the tree falls over of course.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ribbon Stop

I was headed into the Stop and Shop when I noticed this. I'll admit, I didn't stop, but I did decided to make an image after I did my business in the store. The wreaths by chance were in a good spot for a little snow from the night before, but not to much. The red repeating itself is good, but I like the cool blue in the upper left corner also. Purchasing a wreath would have ruined the composition.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This is one of my favorite places to shoot because of the mountains and light, or fog, whatever seems to drift in here. Western Mass is quite an area for photography as it has the mountains, rushing streams, and farm land. There's also good places to eat, and warm up. I have a series I've been doing of John Deere tractors and although this one wasn't at work, it was ready to go as usual. Sometimes I wish I could hop on and chop some corn. I love stuff like that.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby Ferns

This was a bright sunny chilly morning with hard direct sun. I almost didn't know what to do with it. The only thing I saw (or couldn't get out of my mind) was this little patch of baby ferns at the top of my driveway. A regular shot wasn't doing it for me. So I played.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Snow Trees

This was the first snow of the season, way late. We didn't get much, so I decided to try to make something of what was where, if that makes any sense. I liked how the light was sweeping across this tree line and also the contrast of the snow with the darker background. /...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

White Barn

I've been past this barn many times and always hoped for some kind of image but it's never seemed right until this day. The timing was perfect for the cross lighting and a little shadow. There is depth from front to rear and right to left on this long range shot. If I had the ultimate lens, maybe a 400 mm or better I could have zeroed in on the barn and not had to include the 2/3's of the photo being grass. That's OK and better. The barn is small, the grass is BIG. I think the story here is how the farmer decided to put the barn as far away from anything as possible. I wonder why?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sunny Fern

This image has a flashed look to it and this isn't something I want, unless it wasn't flashed. The sun was creating the effect, and trees and leaves were helping by casting shadows into the background. I moved just enough to include the color in the background, and this repetition of color strengthens the overall composition. The final touch was the focus effect. Shallow depth of field throws the background out of focus, but not the left half of the fern. This I made by slightly removing the lens, and crossing my fingers. Works every time, ...sometimes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Autumn Afternoon

I was watching the wind in the tree tops thinking not enough wind and not enough leaves. I'd missed it by hours I think. The digital phenomenon allows me to play, and try things where I normally would have been more reserved with film. No cost to trying something. My first thoughts where I wanted to just look through the camera and see if I could find a shot up there. I liked how the upper leaves shoot across from right to left to break up the dominant vertical lines. The soft back lighting with the bare upper limbs seem to look more distant. I decided to make the image. The imperfect foliage worked out after all.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


For a few days now I've been around these buildings with no windows, a scattered layout, and a manicured military neatness. I wanted to make an image and knew there was something here but couldn't see it, or figure it out. It was going to be forced, so I never pulled the trigger. I saw the pole, liked the pegs, the orange, and finally, photographically, the chipped paint. I didn't think masterpiece by any means and forgot the image as quick as I shot it. It wasn't until I brought it up on the computer that the image struck me. I'm glad I didn't trash it from my camera in an edit! Lesson learned again, photograph what you like. Viewers I think, will use more time trying to figure out what they're missing than what their actually looking at.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bow-Saw and Sickle

I was with a small party of people just pondering/talking about things. I didn't want to make it a "Kodak" moment, but I kept noticing things. Things that I liked I guess. But I also know from experience that some things don't happen again, don't take it for granted. I had my camera, so it was natural to have the urge. Yes no yes, no. Finally I knew, but when? Who cares about good conversation. I decided on a beer drinker technique. Sorta smooth and natural where you raise your camera, do your shot or two and then go back to the talk world. Like nothing ever happened. I didn't fool anyone here either.
