Monday, November 30, 2009

Pasture and Cloud

I like this because it is so simple to look at. I had to wait for the cloud to hurry up and get into position before the image was complete. This image says cows to me even though there are non, but they've definitely been here. It turned out a bit like a painting.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Long Road

Everything is a little out of perspective in this one. This a bike path, but with the lines on the new hot top you'd think it was a two lane road. The fog helped here by giving the illusion the road goes on forever. There's a person walking down the path a ways. I never knew if he was coming or going, but I wondered. I'm never at these spots for long.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Autumn Dead Bug

I found this bug, by a door, where I work. I wonder if it had made it in, would it have survived? I've never seen anything like it but knew I wanted to photograph it. Seemed to be posed pretty good for a dead bug. Even without the color this thing is cool, but what color!?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Foggy Morning

I've made many images of this place and not all (very few) end up as something I want to look at later. I think I like the place better than it photographs, the two can sometimes be confused. It's a matter of being there at the right time, with the right stuff. This is an intersection of a few roads, I didn't pull off to far, just hopped out and started shooting for a while. The road and barn were as quiet as the air looked, and felt.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Red Barn Board

I wish this barn could stay like it is forever but it won't. I made images of the whole thing and they look pretty good but what I decided to go with today was the skin of it. The barn had many different types of siding, and this one had that melted vinyl siding look. This barn was old but the color was still vibrant. I thought throwing the power lines out of focus was appropriate since no power was being used. It reminds me of the skin of old heavily used hands.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Grazing Cattle

There's no star here and that's ok. The scene without the fence or the cows would have satisfied me but they sure add to it. One thing I've learned is shoot what you see, whether it's perfect to what you think or not. Work with it, add to it, and move on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Young Tree

Again, I was thinking of something different as I approached the Park, hoping to find it and try to get to work on time. I was using a camera that most people wouldn't because it wasn't current and didn't have enough pixels to be trusted. I'm glad I like to try things like older cameras and lenses. That in itself makes you different and you'll definitely get a different look, much like we did with the old film cameras. Different films/lenses, different results. In the old days (10 years ago or so) people worried about film and optics for the job. Not that way today. Why did that go away? Most people only think they understand pixels (the more the better), but they don't. I don't know what grade your in when you know 2 is more than 1 but in the adult world with photography it goes much deeper than that. This is why some people do better than others with what they have whether they're loaded up with pixels or not. In this image, the low pixel count is hidden in the fog. Have I mentioned how much I like fog? I do.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dizzy Busy Sky

I don't remember why I was sitting here but I know what I noticed. All the gray. The sky, lines, poles, and the tree. For a short time I hoped something of color would happen by, but what is the chance of that when your aiming up. Too bad the street lamp didn't come on but this is what I had. The tree limbs being out of focus is what makes this interesting. It makes me a little dizzy.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Savoy Barn

I had stopped and turned around to make this image and that's when I noticed my previous post. On the way by I noticed the light and color of the siding and figured if I moved and turned around fast enough I might have a chance at something before I lost the light. My camera was not ready and I did a lot of fussing but finally got the shot. This has good cross lighting, longer shadows. Yesterdays image came from moving down the road about 100 yrds and shooting back over my shoulder. Back lit rather than side lit, all I had to do was manage the exposure. Two different barns not that far apart and two different looks. Good addition to my "Barns" series.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yellow Stripes and Barn

These yellow stripes have no reason to be here, perfect for a picture. Most may know what these are for but if someone looked at this 200 years from now what would they think? I can only hope.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Somethings look better when they're moving and somethings not. I like to see movement in my images but this time I thought differently. It might sound simple post pic, but while I was watching this I realized it was already moving, why not stop it. This happens normally even if you have your camera on auto, this I know. I was doing it purposefully here, with thought. Any shot wouldn't do, so I studied, watched and tried to understand and see it differently. I have nothing profound to speak about concerning my thoughts, but in the study I did see different moments, eventually realizing it was never the same, it wouldn't repeat. Everything slowed down, I was in the zone, had to shoot.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Granny Tree

I thought this tree was worn. I knew I had to make an image but not to make it pretty. The key was to keep it ragged. I used my foggy window, the car, a mildew lens, and the sky, all of this yucked it up just enough. It has the classic Holga look and in a way, makes me think of a little old granny.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Autumn Morning

I was telling a friend and photographer the day before how I hadn't taken my Unity Park route to work, therefore no new images. This morning I wondered if I had a chance at a location shortly before this. That spot didn't look good, and I was thinking how the light wasn't happening anyway. As I approached the final turn, this is what I saw. Straight ahead it was and parking made it even better. I couldn't figure out what to do with the little black tree in front and have the sun in a good spot at the same time. I decided to try to hide it as you see it. The subtlety of it makes the shot (and I was trying to hide it?). I wasn't late for work, but wished I could have stayed longer. Who knows.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ragged Tree

Who knows how much longer this tree will be making leaves. I think it took quite a beating in this past winter with the ice and snow. I liked how ragged and haggard it was but still tried to put on a good fall show. I think it did, and as usual, having the fog didn't hurt. I like the word ragged too.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Green Field

This is an image of a lot of nothing. Except layers I guess. The green is what I noticed first and then it was just a matter of composing with what was left over to make something of it. I probably like this more than anyone because sometimes when I shoot, I can feel a sense of accomplishment. Just knowing what I started with, what I found, and then doing something with it, does it for me. I think the fog helped again by hiding the treeline. It wouldn't have ruined the image, but if I had, you'd be looking at something else right now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gray Barn

If it weren't for the bank of weeds and grass, this would be a black and white image. The barn is aged gray in reality but this with the fog make me think of a distant BIG BARN. I could have crawled up the bank and lost the bank but I thought this would be the only thing to add foreground and depth. It's not just an image of a barn, but a barn in it's environment.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Black Maple

I kept thinking there was an image here but it wasn't happening. If I widened out, I had distracting things to the left and right. The top had issues also. What made me zoom in and give this a try I don't know. Possibly because zooming and moving are easy? I'm not sure if the shot is about the tree or the leaves anymore but I like it. I wish postcards were vertical.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yellow Ferns

I guess I never think of ferns changing colors like leaves on the trees but they do. Usually I notice them when they've browned up and clobbered by the weather, these look nice and healthy. On a good day, with these ferns, I doubt I would have anymore light on them since they were low in and under evergreen trees. The blacks and the depth of field to make this interesting. I've since learned that mosquitoes make ferns there home. I don't know if I like this, but at least there were none on this day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wispy Grass

I've been into this wind thing for several months now. I love wind on grass. I had to be careful with this, I didn't want all the grass moving so I had to wait for the wind speed to slow enough for the shutter speed I was using. There's one plant by itself, bigger, therefore not moving the speed of the grass and I think the wisps of green add to it. Even if you don't know there's wind, it's still a pretty image.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Seasoned Depot

This is another place I photograph a lot but things have to be just right. I'm intrigued by the building and would love to go in but this is in an area people would notice and a big deal would ensue. To the left, behind it, and to the right, it's a populated area. Without getting any closer, this is the shot. I've done ok when there's some sort of weather. I like the pastel color.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bog Colors

There just wasn't that one tree full of color you think of. It had to be somewhere else. I go through phases of color. Sometimes I want it or just need it. Lately I've worried about loosing it. Back to dreary winter. The image has an obvious show of color and black and white. It's a nice contrast on this overcast day. Fall colors and respect for the dead.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Red Barn

The only shot was through the trees, at least that's how I saw it. I kept moving to the right but there were to many open doorways and the message of color was lost (I did make an image over there, but it wasn't about the barn). In this, the shallow depth of field gives you nothing to focus on but the color. Who knows where the livestock is. I saw this as another Fall image of color, it just happens to be paint.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sinking Tree

This tree was acting somewhat like my latest horses but still I figured to do something with it. I thought I'd try the double shot pick. I've been doing more of these lately for some reason. All I can think of is the tree is sinking and not just behind the hill. The illusion from the lower ground. I'm happy with this one.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Early Autumn

I was thinking how much the sun had moved and realized this was one of those "good light for photographers" moments. I bumbed up the look a little with some multi-exposure, mildew lens, and a dirty windshield. In real life I'd consider this a "nothing view". It serves to block the road and some neighbors. I guess every thing was right at this moment to make this.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Japanese Maple and Sky

Talk about color! My Maple seemed to go red in a hurry and dropped it's leaves as fast. The weather was good this day so I'm glad I took advantage of it. When I look at this tree in this state, I always want to shoot the whole thing from the outside but it just doesn't photograph as vibrant as I image it. When I go inside and shoot out, I get the color. It's the opposite thinking again.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Autumn Sycamore 2

This image gives away the separation between the Sycamore and background. A little respect for the tree trunks I guess. I like this image as well. The soft carpet of golden rod and these things carrying the load. There are no deer here, but plenty of ticks I'm sure. Does that take the beauty out of it?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Autumn Sycamore 3

I like making images with trees and images of trees. Sometimes I've had hard times culling images due to an in camera crop. A little to the left the shot is about the tree, a little to the right and it's about the meadow. The opportunity I thought was to pick these things apart. Usually I do this with the sky as the background but that wasn't happening (to far to run). Good light right now and it would ruin everything. I like how the Sycamore does all the work, it looks like it has good light buy nature. I used a long (mildew) lens trying to bring the background closer. The Sycamore look like veins of a forest. If I could paint with a brush, this is what I'd paint.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Autumn Sycamore 1

I have several images of this family of Sycamore. I'm glad there were no leaves on the trees, how else would we see this. I think of the lady that said the color is gone. A photographer can't think this way, at least I can't. There has to be something, and I want to be the one to find it. I don't think I could recognize a sycamore leaf, I've never paid attention, only to the limbs. It makes sense that I should like this.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Autumn Undergrowth

I'd been stopping, turning around, back and forth on a dirt road when I finally stopped and told a walking couple I'd leave them alone and be moving north. They said that unfortunately all the color was gone and I'd missed it by a week. I shot this less than a 5 minutes later. Luckily, I wasn't looking for color.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sonic Maple

I really like this image. I've always tried to make special images of my Japanese Maples and I think think I have one here. It's a combination of many things and missing any one would change it. I had to shoot through my windshield and I purposefully slowed my wipers so rain would collect. I used shallow depth of field, and part of the inside of the car to help vignette. And then there was the timing. The speed of the shutter with the speed of the wiper and the timing of the shutter release. To fast a shutter speed and you could see the wiper system, to slow and you wouldn't have an effect you could see. I shouldn't leave out the "Mildew Lens" either. And how about the sonic wave shooting through the trunk? I like stuff like this.
