Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NEX Sunrise

Seems to be a wonderland across the road from where I work (at least before seven anyway). I'm not big into sunsets but don't have a problem with sunrises. There's a different look I think. Soon, the seasons will change enough and it will be to dark to do much before work. Timing is everything in most spots but I'll always look and wonder if there's something I can pull off in the NEX direction. Just another challenge and I'm good with that.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

NEX Early

There are four layers to this image (Stumps, Grasses, building, and Sky). The conditions were right for another try and I have to think the haze is what provokes me. I know I've shot on a "regular" day, but haven't found any of the images moving. Maybe that's my NEXt project, but I doubt it as I have too many things going on right now. I still think it's neat that the same place can have so many looks, if you "see" at the right time.

Monday, September 28, 2009

NEX Ice Cold

Yeah, this was one cold late winter morning. Great for an image but I'm talking cold! What to do,.. get some cold weather gear on and shoot comfortably or hop out, try to deal, and get the shot before something changes? I get frantic sometimes and usually when the moment shouldn't be taken for granted. This was here, I was cold, I had to go in for work, errrrrr, get it done. And then I'm back to happy. It's usually that fast. This is of the same building as my last post, aimed a little to the right(012406-7:40am).

Sunday, September 27, 2009

NEX Haze

I have a daily view of a large building as I park my car for work everyday (I take pictures right up to the last moment). The sun is usually low and aimed right at me and I've seen enough unique mornings that I have a pretty good series of this mundane location. They are far and few in between shots but I still look and wonder if there is something there. I've never been close enough to this field to say what's growing here and it doesn't look kept up. The walls of the building are north-side windowless and bland to say the least. This is where a photographer can like an image they made more than a "looker" because you know what you started with (091307-7:27am).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Red Barn

I've watched for this barn on my trips to Keene as others probably have. Right on the road, big and red, you can't miss it. My shot came from where every shoots from. I haven't driven this route in a while so I could document the condition but I knew at the time it was going to lose it's shape fast. I wish it were a little more convenient. This area gets some pretty good weather so I can only image what images I've missed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cloud with Moon

I was heading to my car after work last night and noticed the blue sky. Sometimes I have to spend all day inside so when I go out, a pleasant evening looks even better. When I saw the moon, I figured, why not, I photograph everything else, and it isn't the first time I've shot the moon and it won't be the last. I have to say, my first few--> "bah-hored" me. So I start "shooting for the moon" and end up with a cloud shot and the moon in the background. I had other shots with the whole cloud but I like the this where the main subject could still be the moon. It doesn't really matter, I feel like I accomplished something. I needed a photographic fix and got it, in Turners Falls.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Un-titled #036

Sometimes I wonder what draws me to an image. When you mow the lawn you do it because you have to. Do you have to take a picture, make an image? This image could look like a field, void of any excitement, but not to me. The power lines weren't part of the draw, but when I noticed them it was like icing on the cake. Power lines bothered me until I decided to except them like air. Just let them do their thing. The birds helped but I not sure they needed to be there. I liked the warm field against the otherwise dreary day. I couldn't wait to shoot this and put a sliver of the field at the bottom of the frame. If I'd kept driving this would have been one of those images in my mind that I should have created. They never go away, the moment is gone, it'll never be the same, the feeling is lost. I've proven this to be true.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Old Hot Rod

This car was in a spot where the possibilities didn't leave much. I knew I wanted a pic, but I had to find an angle where the background didn't screw up my subject. I tried different angles and grew more frustrated until I started thinking more about the car and it's history. An old car doesn't mean an old driver. Soon my thoughts were when the car was new and what a statement it must have made cruising the streets. Thinking it was a yesterday "Cruise Mobile" the image just came together. I got low to hide the fence and shed, moved in, click...done. Sexy car with a few age spots. My kinda car!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Shortly after we heard the sirens, we were practically engulfed by smoke. This fire was a half block away. I don't look for work like this, don't want it, don't need it, can't handle it. My heart was broken when they brought the lifeless dog out. It just wasn't fair. The Firemen worked on this little guy for what seemed like eternity as I watched to see a sign of life. No heart beat, no breathing. I didn't want to stay but couldn't leave, I had to know. I have plenty of images and some may be better, but I like the anonymity of this image. I wasn't trying to create, just capture. As soon as I knew, I left. I think the camera helped in a non photographic way. It was my crutch to deal with this situation and see at the same time. By the way, they brought the sooty little guy back to life. It was amazing.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Old Barn

The bright sky was killing me so I positioned myself so I had as little as possible in view. This worked out because the spot chosen gave a natural vignette and showed the part of the barn that interested me in the first place. You can't tell by the landscape but I tilted the camera clockwise. I made the grounds level which added a little angle to the barn, and this is hard to notice unless your told, or know the barn. I like this as part of my "Barn" series.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I saw the opportunity to do a "wicked"shallow depth of field shot of an otherwise mundane object (grass). This is one of those, "it's not what's in focus, but what's out of focus" shots. The foreground and background are a blur which seems to make the grass more important. I could make images like this all day which is good, because you don't always have the Grand Canyon or Yosemite around for a subject. I like the challenge.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Contrail Shadow

I don't know if this is a contrail shadow or not, but I've never seen anything like it before. I don't think it is, but what else and what to name this? The BJ's parking lot has proven to be a good place to find images oddly enough. Seems like I've noticed these anomalies there and I'm not there for photography, only a deal. I'm glad I have this image. I don't know what this is, but it is what it is. Case closed.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Eagles Nest

We've watched for this nest every time we went by on rte 5. I get a little help from the moisture of the Connecticut river which is on the other side of this. I had a camera with a fixed lens which wasn't very long. In the old days this would have bothered me. I've learned to work with what I have and not complain. I'm here, the subjects here, what would someone do hundred years ago with a box camera? A long lens or walk would have given me a nice shot of a pile of sticks and branches in the tree. Environment is important to the subject. I'd like this image without the nest (or eagle). What a view though.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Floor Dog

Sometimes a dog can look so comfortable. This guy was in the middle of traffic and very much attentive. I think he knew I was doing something concerning him but he never moved, just kept me in his vision. I like his eyes open and the boot behind him. The boot says people and reminds us where he's laying. I haven't figured out the eye's yet but I know it's important. There's no way this would work if the eyes were closed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rusty Shovel

After trying to make an image of a usual subject, I checked around and found this. An old truck with a pile of aged lumber and a shovel on top. I couldn't help but think someone had been here before to make an image and placed the shovel in the perfect spot. The image of the shovel is subtle with the rusty truck, nails, and even the weed smoothing out the shot. I wonder if the shovel is still there, and even if someone is missing it. Probably not. Anyone that loads a truck full of planks with a shovel couldn't be that bright.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Grass and Flower

I was playing with some gumped up gear from yesteryear and made this. My plan was to take ultra close-up shots of flowers and kept running into the grass. I decided to use the two together and at the same time take advantage of the breeze. So it's a soft image of nature. When you work close depth of field falls off to almost nothing. It's hard to find focus anywhere especially if it's breezy. I remember my head hurt after scrunching up my left eye in concentration to get this. It was worth it.

Monday, September 14, 2009


My cat was yelling this morning at 5 AM for me to get up and do something for her. So I told her to shut-up. I like the all black type shot. You have to study it just a bit longer than normal and then there's that soft kitty thought with the reality of her look. She's good at putting up with the camera and rarely runs away. Today is marks my 100th post. Just thought I'd mention it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Foggy Stop

I feel like the first tree on the left and the extra sign under the "Stop" sign (which you can't see well) make this more real. The tree throws the symmetry off of the nature and the extra sign makes the "Stop" sign less perfect. This was all on my left as I headed to work (it was a three way stop), so I turned to the right, started to turn a "U'ie", stopped, and shot this through my side window. If I were a tree I'd like having this sign as a neighbor.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tree Shadow

Normally I like my tree work leafless. I couldn't help this with the leaves but then again, it's more an image of the lack of light, in the shape of a tree. I wonder how many people saw this. Sometimes when it's "just" a good day, our attention is on other things like the blue sky, or the lawn that needs to be mowed, not a shadow. I'll admit, I do watch for the changing shadows throughout the year on this wall but, this is another symptom I have of "photographicitus". It's not a bad thing.

Friday, September 11, 2009

French King Bridge

I've always liked this bridge. It's a marker for me when I'm coming or going on a long trip. This view is just a short trip from where I work (a mile or so). On this day, I knew with the snow I'd have just a few colors to work with. No challenge here, just a matter of how am I going to approach the subject. I ended up filling my shoes with snow as I trudged through the snow to find the spot. I aimed around and blew one possibility when I jumped two swans from right where I would have wanted them. Cuss cuss, (really). I like the organic parts of the image and the "people-made" subject. With the crop and the weather, this image ended up with a good representation of the day, quiet and snowy.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Winter Berry Fields

Verticals, diagonals, horizontals, all kinds of good photographic material. Normally, for me, I have a hard time with a place like this on a summer day. As I've said before, leaves and color can get in the way. My worry about the background and horizon were not an issue. Seems like it all came together with the weather and light. I wonder how much value or use the farmers put on their land in the winter months. I wouldn't expect them to be out making images. But at least they should be out admiring their patterns of rows. I would be.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This was one of my favorite spots in my resturant/diner series. As I've said before, in this series I try to capture something that's unique to the place and more than just the tourist snap. Herm's was known for many things other than the food. I liked the atmosphere, a little dark, but always something to look at. The exposures for the different powered lights was the only difficulty here. In the end I made it work. I took Herm's for granted, a big lesson. The resturant is now a statistic in our current economic times, everything has been sold off, they exist no more.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Old House

Imagine picking up your prom date from this place. It seems it went from Christmas lights to vacant. When someone lives in a place the story is written. When a place is vacant the story can be many things. I always wonder about places like this. How long has it been since people lived there? What kind of people were they? How long before the building is rubble hidden by grass and golden rod? How many more images can I make before someone looks out the window? That would scare me!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Field by the Ocean

Opposite the sea wall, I've never seen a tractor or person working these fields. The "star" of the area has to be the ocean. Hi tide, low tide, beach, sun, etc. all on the other side of the road. What's the field for, the fence posts? Is it to keep the lobster herds contained? I don't think anyone knows but the fence post people. I like the shot, regardless.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Toba never stayed too far from Gabby (alias "the King"). I like this with Gabby's legs in the image. The shot is of and for Toba, but I'll always think of the two together. The attention Toba is giving me is perfect. This image means more to me now then when I made it. 1995-2008 RIP
Toba 1995-2008 RIP

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Grass and Flowers

I feel I made something of nothing, but at the same time, there had to be something here to make me stop and make this. I remember thinking of the different compositions I should try, patterns in the flowers, grass, and also, I should use the lens to explore it. No hurry, my self guided camera tour. The photography developed along the way. At the last moment I flipped my idea of full depth of field and went minimum. I have excitement and satisfaction in the final touches when I think of them. This shows how important a long lens and "out of focus" is.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cold House

Sleet, snow, and rain, what a day. I'll admit, I never left the car, and didn't put the window down. The window up (dirty and wet), helped keep the contrast down and makes it more real for the day. Sometimes I think camera technology is so good it takes some of the realism out of the image. The house is square on this day. I think of a place like this as an abandoned barn. It's vacant and with no upkeep, it won't be long before it's a pile of rotten boards on the ground.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dead Tree

I've passed this field and tree for many years and always wondered why the farmer never took this tree down. This is a big hayfield and there's no reason to see why the tree should stay and have people working around it. I figured sooner or later nature would take it's course so I'd better figure out the shot. Some things look easy, maybe sound easy, especially when there finished. Maybe this as all the images I take are there and waiting but I don't see it that way. If the subject is there, and I'm there, it's not enough. I think there has to be a mental connection also. It could be like cooking where you need all the right ingredients, timing, temps, and attitude to make the taste go above and beyond. When I made this, I knew before I shot it was going to happen this day. After years of driveby's, and the one time I connected, the tree came down. People now look through the field towards the tree line for dear. There's no stopping at the tree like I did wondering why. It's just a field now.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Had I not been at the end of a roll of film this image would not have happened. I was down to one or two shots in my camera and was getting nervous I might not be ready if something really happened. I almost finished the last of the film on my feet in the car but decided to get out, and run up to the top of the sea wall to see if there was anything there. To the left nothing, to the right,...horses. If they'd seen me they probably would have stampeded. I was far away and quick. People ask me about the snow and probably think PhotoShop when I tell them there is none. Thank god for back lighting, wet sand, and the angle of incidence!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blue Trees

This was one of those great winter days when nobody should be on the road. Seemed it would blizzard and then let up completely. Sometimes it's nice just to be out enjoying the snow so photography isn't important if you don't find anything. As it turned out, the images were all over the place. What drew me to this, was the line of swamp grass and the tree line. With the cloud cover, I knew it would be easy to get the blue to pop and the grass to stay warm. Warm on cool, helps strengthen an otherwise dull image. I've tried this image in B/W and like it equally. I thought the subtle color was what made this image relevant.
